Michael clayton : you are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest , most respected law firms in the world . you are a legend 迈克尔?克莱顿:您是世界上最大的、也最受人尊敬的律师事务所之一的资深合伙人。您本人就是一个传奇。
Michael clayton : you are the senior litigating partner of one of the largest , most respected law firms in the world . you are a legend 迈克尔?克莱顿:你是世界上最大、最受尊敬的律师事务所的资深诉讼合伙人,你简直可以称为这个行业的一个传奇。
Other films well reviewed by the critics include the crime tales no country for old men , and american gangster ( n . 匪徒 ) , and the legal story michael clayton , with george clooney as a corporate lawyer known for fixing problems 其他被影评家看好的影片还包括犯罪题材片《老无所依》 、 《美国黑帮》以及法律题材片《迈克尔?克莱顿》 ,在此片中,乔治扮演了一位因善于解决问题而闻名的公司律师。